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Top Xhosa Dresses 2021 For Trendy Fashion

Top Xhosa Dresses 2021

Top Xhosa Dresses 2021

Xhosa Dresses 2021 For Lady


Top Xhosa Dresses 2021

TOP Xhosa Dresses 2021 traditional attire is another stripe of glory in Africa additionally to the world’s apparel industry . Like existing popular African prints; Kente, Ankara and kitenge, Xhosa traditional attire features a special history dating back to pre-colonial times and a singular origin from the Xhosa people of South-Africa. the apparel is symbolic in nature, taking different shapes and forms counting on the occasion. Africans, being social people, hold ceremonies and symbols with high regards. However, with the recent changes in psychology , symbolism has been replaced with purposeful fashion statements and artistic wear within the fashion space, leaving ceremonies because the only thing of social significance that are still held in high esteem.


traditional Xhosa dresses 2021 wedding attire


The bride pairs the  Xhosa Dresses 2021  with a tartan blanket spread round the shoulder, which symbolizes the protective and naturing traits that a bride adds to a family. additionally to the present , she also ties a woolen scarf round her waist and wraps her head with a black doek to finish the design the headscarf is meant to hide her figure also as safeguard her fertility, while the doek may be a sign of respect towards the elders. a replacement bride cannot ask the elders bare-headed.
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